2nd Half of Your Life

Shinyoung Park
3 min readSep 18, 2022

My principles to live the next 20 years

How will your second half of life look like?

I asked to a friend yesterday who’s an executive at a public company. She didn’t say, “I want to be an advisor and investor.” She said, “ mentally we are deteriorating everyday and physically we will live longer. That’s very sad. I want to live fully. I don’t care if I live second half differently or not.” Obsession towards health and wealth to live a little longer, to be a little richer than now continues. Sadly, there’s not much we can do about getting old.

While discussing, we realized we have about 20 years of healthy life and that’s very short. It may not enough time to achieve and do everything I want. Whatever my achievement might be, more than anything, I’d regret not hugging my husband, Gaurav more often and how I didn’t pay attention to Max (my pup) when he wanted it, how I didn’t spend more time with my friends and family, how I wasted my energy for little things that didn’t matter.

So here’s the principle for my next 20 years:

Win win

To come up with winning strategy as a whole, I must say yes to objections, deeply listen and come up with something greater than individual thinking. We have opinions and thoughts based on our limited information and knowledge. We can come up with something greater together. None is wrong or right.

A quote from Rumi

Gentle and playful

There’s no time for negativity. Everyone is doing their best including myself. Hold it lightly and be gentle to each other. Humor is the best tool. Laughter is the best medicine.

Take care of my inner child

I am unable to fulfill my responsibility and give to others unless I’m charged. I get impatient when I am drained. I can’t function when my inner child is hungry and tired. However, I sometimes forget what to do when this happens. My head keeps churning, agitated looking for help. It’s like a baby crying waiting for mom to tender her to calm down. After chatting with my friend yesterday, I went home to hug my husband and my pup Max. We went out bar hopping for the first time in a while on Polk street. Then I saw this bubble guy. He was making each bubble slowly one by one as if he is meditating for an hour or so. I ignored at first as if that’s a childish thing to make bubbles (withholding). But then it hit me how fun it is to play with such gigantic bubbles on the street to give joy to everyone.

I am the mother to my inner child. Ignoring inner child is killing my creativity. My remedy to nurture my inner child:

  • Slow down and meditate
  • Try new recipe to cook for friends and family
  • Swim or run
  • Go to the beach
  • Go to galleries or watch a great movie
  • Brunch with girlfriends and go shopping
  • Travel new places

There’s no right or wrong ways to recharge. No more guilty pleasure. What gives me pleasure is a remedy to heal my inner child.



Shinyoung Park

Startup advisor via 500 Global and Techstars, one of the most influential women by FastCompany https://www.linkedin.com/in/shinyoungp/