How to Thrive in AI World

Shinyoung Park
2 min readSep 14, 2023

I asked chatGPT, how do I thrive in the AI world? It says “be curious, adapt and learn.” 🤮 What a boring answer! but it’s a perfect answer. Well, here are my take on how to thrive in the AI world. 👇 please share your thoughts.

Be a unique thinker.

“You get rewarded by your unique knowledge, not your effort.” Once Naval Ravikant said.

Source: twitter

Popular thinking, herd mentality, perfectionism will be replaced by AI because it will be more accurate always. Your unique knowledge can’t be replaced because you connect the dots and create your own thesis based on your experience. AI is also good at coming up with creative solutions. but “Talk is cheap.” Once Snoopy said.

Talk is cheap- Snoopy
Source: Twitter

The execution is the key, where your unique interpretation comes in. Your independent thinking and unique knowledge will still be rewarded in the AI world.

Nurture leadership skills.

If you are repeatedly doing things that are told, you will eventually be replaced by AI.

i.e. input+historically output → model → new output

How can you be different from this? In any organization, whatever titles you might have, leaders help people get what they want. Thus, people follow. For you to help people what they want, you need to know what they want → empathizing with them, understand context and make good decisions. AI can’t do that. That’s what leaders do. The leadership skills will be greatly valued in the AI world.

Meet your super helpful friends called AI

AI is your friend who’s really good at prediction, automation and personalization.

AI doesn’t define problems for you

AI doesn’t understand context

AI doesn’t understand why

That’s what humans do.



Shinyoung Park

Startup advisor via 500 Global and Techstars, one of the most influential women by FastCompany